Butoh Workshop 2021
Butoh: the space between flesh and image
led by Marie-Gabrielle Rotie
December 10th 2pm to 6pm
December 11th 3pm to 7pm
December 12th 2pm to 6pm
Venue: Chisenhale Dance Space, 64-84 Chisenhale Road, London E3 5QZ
Directions: https://www.chisenhaledancespace.co.uk/getting-here/
How does the Butoh dancer navigate the tension between the physicality of the flesh, a body of bones, water, skin, energy, and the intense play of the imaginatively faculties?
How does the Butoh dancer step between imagination and flesh, to become an image, to transform and to dissolve the assumed role of the self?
This workshop looks at this question and each day proposes ways into this balance of being utterly sensate and also intensely poetic and alive to the role of the imagination. We will work with techniques and approaches from the lineages of both founders Kazuo Ohno and Tatsumi Hijikata and Rotie’s own improvisation methodologies developed during a long choreographic and performance career.
Marie-Gabrielle Rotie has trained in Butoh since 1993 and has been active teaching nationally and internationally for over 20 years. She is a permanent member of staff at Goldsmiths University of London in Theatre and Performance. In the last year she has worked as choreographer for the film director Robert Eggers, creating movement for Anya Taylor Joy and Willem Dafoe and Alexander Skarsgaard (The Northman, release date April 2022) and featured in several forthcoming short films and music videos as a dancer. www.rotie.co.uk